Procedure bike fitting

Typical procedure of a bike position analysis

  • Make an appointment
  • Initial interview: The first step is a detailed interview about training, goals, specific discipline and any previous stresses.
  • Analysis of the actual situation
  • Checking saddle selection and determining optimal material
  • Pedal plate adjustment
  • Pedal axle adjustment
  • 6-point analysis
  • Axis width control
  • Biomechanical optimisation of the wheel position
  • General economy
  • The analysis data will follow by e-mail

Duration: 2.5 hours

Costs: 196 €

If major modifications to the bike are necessary, the bike will then be restored to its original “bike-ready” condition.

  • Make an appointment
  • Initial interview: The first step is a detailed interview about training, goals, specific discipline and any previous stresses.
  • Analysis of the actual situation
  • Changing the seat position through saddle and handlebar adjustment
  • Control saddle selection
  • Treading technique
  • Summary and discussion of the results

Duration: 1 hour

Costs: 109 €

If you book a position anaylsis later, 50% will be credited.

Frame size

Bike fitting Frame sizeEven though a seat position analysis cannot be standardised, some characteristics form a solid basis. The basis for a correct frame size is NOT the stride length, but upper body length and flexibility of the upper body.

Handlebar width

Bike fitting Handlebar widthThe principle here is that the handlebars should be as wide as the distance between the foremost points of the shoulder joints.

Saddle height

Bike fitting Saddle heightThe saddle should be high enough so that the knee is very slightly bent when the foot is horizontal (with the shoe locked in the pedal).

Seat length

Bike fitting Seat lengthThe seat length fits when the knee and elbow just do not touch each other in the lower handlebar position and with the crank parallel to the down tube. The seat length can be corrected by shortening or lengthening the stem. A decisive factor is that the pelvis must always remain stable.

Saddle position

Bike fitting Saddle positionFor the right saddle position, place the crank horizontally to the front with the foot also horizontal. Then place a sinker sideways at the level of the knee joint and it should hit the pedal axle.